Internal Reference Number: FOI_8293
Date Request Received: 18/11/2024 00:00:00
Date Request Replied To: 19/11/2024 00:00:00
This response was sent via: By Email
Request Summary: AI Usage
Request Category: Researcher
Question Number 1: I am writing to submit a Freedom of Information (FOI) request regarding the use of artificial intelligence (AI). Specifically, I am seeking information on any AI-based software or applications currently in use, either for research purposes or routine operations Is your NHS organisation currently using any software/apps that include artificial intelligence (AI)? | |
Answer To Question 1: Yes | |
Question Number 2: If answer to Q1 is yes: Please provide a list of any AI-based software that is currently in use within your organisation. Please include the brand name of the software and the name of the company that sells it. | |
Answer To Question 2: - Brainomix - Aidence - Heartflow all AI products are named after the supplier. | |
Question Number 3: For each of the AI-based software products currently in use, please state whether: a. it is only being used within the context of a research study or pilot project OR b. is has been purchased/commissioned by your organisation for routine use. | |
Answer To Question 3: All are in routine use. | |
To return to the list of all the FOI requests please click here |
Our staff at 91Ó°ÊÓ District Hospital have long been well regarded for the quality of care and treatment they provide for our patients and for their innovation, commitment and professionalism. This has been recognised in a wide range of achievements and it is reflected in our award of NHS Foundation Trust status. This is afforded to hospitals that provide the highest standards of care.